Chemex or Die

I’ve been a coffee drinker for about 12 years now. My gateway coffee, like most others, was Starbucks. At work, my colleagues and I would head down to Starbucks at least once a day for that burnt, bitter Pike Roast. Working in New York, however, I began to learn about all the much better options out there – from Gregory’s, to Stumptown, to Intelligencia, to Grumpy, to Culture, to Blue Bottle – the list of really good coffee shops in New York is endless.

I began to learn about pour overs, and how much better the coffee tasted as the water was slowly poured over the grounds. I also quickly learned how expensive it was to order one. I bought myself a small coffee maker and started grinding beans and brewing my own coffee at home to save money. The coffee maker was not great though, and the coffee didn’t taste the same.

One Christmas, my wife got me one of the best Christmas presents ever: a Chemex pour-over coffee maker. I was instantly hooked, and will never use any other type of coffee maker ever again. The Chemex filters help give the grounds a much cleaner taste. Some swear by the French Press, but I think the Chemex process is much better. 

Now that I work from home, I brew myself a cup in the morning and a cup in the afternoon. I love the whole process – from grinding the beans, to heating up the water, to pouring the water over the grounds. It’s very satisfying and a small routine I look forward to every day. 

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